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  • Surprised
  • Paw Paw
  • Greeting
  • Salute

Well, we can all agree that 2020 was a year filled with sadness, disappointment, trauma, and fear, BUT we’ve stuck together, helped where we could, and remained hopeful. And now, we have a brand new year ahead of us, and the Blue Ridge Honor Flight family is ready and dedicated to making 2021 a great one for our veterans. Here’s a few things we have up our sleeves:

Operation Yard Signs: We’re working up a special sign that the BRHF team will be delivering personally to our veterans getting ready to take a 2021 flight!!

Spring ZOOM gathering: Crank up your computers and pull up the Zoom!! Don’t have Zoom? We can help with that too because we want to “see” you and connect you with the leadership team and others you’ll be traveling to DC with in the Fall. It’s gonna be a party on line, so get ready!

Summer picnic: Get your vaccines, because we’re taking the party outdoors and in person (with all appropriate precautions) this summer. Great food, music and connection will be served up to pump you up for what’s coming next!!

FLY IN THE FALL!!!!!! Have hope and get excited because fall is just around the corner, and Washington, D.C. is calling your name! With safety as our #1 priority, we have begun our flight planning to get back in the air. It promises to be the trip of a lifetime, and we can’t wait to take you. Let’s do this!

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